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An Exploratory Case Study on Learner Support System for Adult Students in Higher Education : focused on the case of Pennsylvania State
Analysis on University Lifelong Education System Support Project From the Perspective of Adult Empowerment Enhancement 평생학습사
The Mediating Effects of Perceived Burdensomeness and Thwarted Belongingness and the Moderating Effect of Reasons for Living on the Rel
Stressors of Older Adults and the Effect of Adult Children`s Support on Their Happiness and Depressive Symptoms 본 연구는 고령화
The Relationship between Adult Attachment and Social Anxiety of College Students : The Mediating Effects of Dysfunctional Beliefs, Ambi
A Study on the factors affecting in care stress of mothers of adult with developmental disabilities 본 연구는 성인발달장애인
A Study on the Strategies of Developing e-Learning Contents for Adult Learners 본 연구에서는 변화하는 웹 환경, 평생교
A Study on the Adult Literacy in Korea and International Comparative Survey among OECD Countries 목차 한국 성인의 문해실태
The Mediating Effects of Emotional Dysregulation on the relationship between Adult Attachment and Marital Satisfaction This study exami
The Concept Networks of Adult Learners' Factors Inhibiting Learning and Methods Resolving the Factors in Higher Education 대학 성인
Latent Class Types of Adults’ Nonsuicidal Self-injury: The Effect of Risk Factors on Classification and Differences in Psychological
The Influence of Adult Learner`s Lifelong Learning Participation Experience and Self-directed Learning on Self-efficacy 본 연구는
A study of theoretical pathway analysis on “reflection” and “critical reflection” in adult learning 이 연구는 성인학습
The Relationship between Adult Attachment and Social Anxiety: The Mediating Effect of Self-compassion 본 연구는 불안정한 성인
요약=119,123,1 I.서론=119,123,3 II.이론적 배경=121,125,1 1.자기주도 학습의 개념=121,125,5 2.자기주도학습
[머리글]=106,104,2 1. 서론=107,105,3 2. 문헌 연구=110,108,4 3. 조사 방법=113,111,1 1) 조사 대상=113,111,2 2) 조
Digital literacy divide in cyber university adult learners and analysis of needs for supporting programs: Based on the theory of activi
The relationships of adult learners’ e-learning readiness, e-learning strategy, and student’s satisfaction in e-learning environmen
Meaning of Adult Literacy in the Learning Society 목차 학습사회에서 성인문해의 의미/이지혜 1 요약 1 I. 들어가